We Have Always Helped People Who Were Injured By Prescription Drug Side Effects.
Prescription and over-the-counter drug cases are typically more complicated than the average fender-bender. Showing how a medication caused an injury can require legal and scientific expertise which many Texas personal injury attorneys simply do not have.
Justinian & Associates has focused on the medicinal sector of personal injury law since we were founded. We have successfully represented many victims harmed by prescription and over-the-counter medications.
Our prescription-drug law practice is based out of our San Antonio office, and we have a team of dedicated attorneys and paralegals who work every day to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable when their drugs have unintended or undisclosed side effects.
Do You Need A Prescription Drug Side-Effect Lawyer?
In our experience, most people who contact us about a medical drug injury fall into one of four categories:
You don’t know if your injury was caused by a prescription or over-the-counter drug.
Many people contact our Texas injury law firm because they aren’t sure whether or not a drug they took is responsible for a medical problem they are having. We have a unique resource at our disposal that we use when we investigate a potential prescription drug lawsuit.
Justinian & Associates’ Federal Drug Administration Database
Our injury law firm has developed an internal database containing every complaint filed with the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) since 2004. No other law firm that we are aware of has invested in creating such a comprehensive database.
We use the database and other scientific research and resources to determine if a drug has been known to cause the type of injuries in question. If the drug is responsible, we then advise a person whether or not we can handle a prescription drug lawsuit for them.
If you believe you have been injured by a particular medication, call, text or email Justinian & Associates for a free consultation, and an attorney (not a “screener”) will offer our clear assessment of your rights and options, at absolutely no cost to you.
If you or someone you know has been injured by a prescription drug, contact Amber Pang Parra for a free consultation at (855) 452-5529 or pharma@justinian.com.
You’re pretty sure you were injured by a drug, but don’t know what your rights are
Lawsuits over prescription and over-the-counter drugs can be some of the most complicated injury lawsuits that a personal injury law firm will ever handle. That’s because they almost always involve both state and federal law.
Some of the factors that affect your rights include, what state you live in (we have clients across the country), whether the drug you took was a brand-name drug or the generic equivalent of it, when you first suspected your injury was caused by the drug, and why the drug was prescribed to you in the first place.
Our drug injury lawyers can quickly work with you to determine whether you are eligible for compensation for your injuries. If you are eligible, we will work with you to hold the drug manufacturer accountable and pay for your injuries and medical bills.
You’re ready to file a claim or a lawsuit against the manufacturer of your drug but don’t know how to choose a law firm
Choosing a law firm to handle your drug injury case doesn’t need to be complicated. Here’s what we advise you to look for:
Find a firm that will handle your case itself
Many of the law firms you see advertising on TV don’t handle drug injury cases themselves, but instead refer the case to another law firm in return for a referral fee.
Some lawyers make a very good living being what we sometimes call a referral mill.
Many law firms will pay up to 1/3rd of the total attorney fee to a firm that did nothing more than send them a client. We are not a referral mill, and the attorneys you see on our website will be the ones handling your case. (Sometimes it’s appropriate for us to join forces with another firm, but we will not just your case to another firm.)
Make sure the law firm has one or more attorneys whose primary job is handling drug lawsuits
When a law firm files an injury lawsuit against a major pharmaceutical company, they will end up going to battle against literally the best and most expensive lawyers in the world. Johnson & Johnson, for instance, sold over $70 billion dollars worth of products in 2015. They certainly aren’t going to hire a law firm that dabbles in prescription drug lawsuits. Neither should you — and that’s why attorney Amber Pang Parra and attorney Justinian Lane only handle cases such as these as their primary job.
Make sure you like the lawyer who will be handling your case
If you pursue a prescription drug lawsuit, you’re going to have to talk about personal matters with your lawyer, such as your medical history and how the injuries have affected your life. If you weren’t able to use the restroom without assistance, or to be intimate with your partner, or otherwise couldn’t enjoy parts of your life, you’ll need to tell your lawyer. Those aren’t conversations you’ll enjoy having with an attorney who you think is rude or pushy or disinterested in your case. Every lawyer who works at Justinian & Associates is kind, empathetic, and considerate to each and every one of our clients. We don’t tolerate rude attorneys or staff, and neither should you.
Do not hire a lawyer who promises you a certain outcome in your drug injury case
Any lawyer who will promise you a specific outcome in your case is either lying to you, or telling you whatever he or she thinks you want to hear in order to get you to hire that law firm.
No lawyer can ethically or truthfully promise any outcome in your case. What we promise is that we will treat you with dignity and respect, that we will work hard on your case, and that we won’t settle your case without your permission.
You’re ready to file a claim or a lawsuit against the manufacturer of your drug but don’t know what to do next
This one is easy. Just contact us and tell us your story.
You can call us, email us, text us or use the contact form above anytime, 24-hours a day.
Once you’ve contacted us, we will ask you some simple questions and see if our injury law firm can help you. We’ll answer all of your questions, and if you decide to pursue a claim, we’ll make it very easy to hire us to do so for you.
Prescription and over-the-counter drug cases we are currently accepting
Our firm is currently representing individuals who were injured by the following drugs and defective medical devices. If you took one of these drugs and would like us to investigate your potential case, please contact us and we will be glad to help.
- Mirena: We’re representing women who developed pseudotumor cerebri while using a Mirena birth control device. This rare condition causes increased pressure inside the skull.
- IVC Filters: IVC blood clot filters were designed to prevent blood clots, but som etimes not only fail to prevent blood clots but may actually cause them. Our lawyers are representing individuals who suffered from pulmonary embolisms, strokes, and other serious cardiovascular injuries aft er being implanted with an IVC filter.
- Viagra & Cialis: Both of these drugs are associated with an increased risk of melanoma in men, and our law firm is working to hold the manufacturers accountable to our clients.
- Metal-on-Metal Hips: We are extensively involved in litigation against the manufacturers of Metal-On-Metal hips because of the complications associated with those devices, such as metallosis and failed hip replacements.
- Bair Hugger Air Warming Device: We represent a number of individuals who suffered severe infections after a Bair Hugger was used during their joint-replacement surgery.
- Power Morecellators: It’s recently been discovered that Power Morecellators used for laparascopic hysterectomies and fibroid removals have been associated with an in creased risk of uterine cancer.
- Abilify: Our firm is investigating whether usage of Abilify can lead to compulsive gambling in individuals who never before gambled compulsively.
- Proton Pump Inhibitors (Nexium, Prilosec, & Pepcid): Our firm is representing individuals who took these over-the-counter drugs and later developed severe chronic kidney disease.
- Invokana: This Type-2 Diabetes medicine has been shown to increase the risk of urinary tract infections, elevated blood acid, severe kidney disease, and even strokes and heart attacks. Our lawyers are working to hold the makers of Invokana accountable for our clients who suffered these side effects.
- Talc: Talcum powder sold by companies like Johnson & Johnson has been shown to cause ovarian cancer in women who used it daily after showering. We’re fighting hard on behalf of our talcum powder clients.
- Taxotere: Many of our clients who suffered first from breast cancer and then from permanent hair loss caused by Taxotere feel more hurt by the permanent hair loss. We are representing a number of women whose hair will not return after using Taxotere during their cancer treatment.
- Fluoroquinolones (Cipro, Levaquin, and Avelox): We represent individuals who took these antibiotics and were then diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, other types of severe nerve damage, and aoritic dissection.
If you’ve been injured or have experienced an adverse side effect to a prescription drug or defective medical device — even if it’s not listed above — don’t hesitate to contact us to see how we can help you!