Please be aware that Justinian & Associates is no longer accepting cases relating to sunscreen with benzene. Thank you.
Certain Sunscreen Lotions May Contain Cancer-Causing Benzene
- Do you or a loved one regularly use sunscreen?
- Were you or your loved one diagnosed with leukemia?
- Benzene is a known carcinogen, meaning it can cause cancer.1
- You may be entitled to financial compensation for your injuries.
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Regular infections
- Weight loss or loss of appetite
- Anemia (low iron content in the blood)
- Dizziness
- Lightheadedness
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pain
- Irregular heartbeat
- Cold hands / feet
- Pale / yellowish skin
- Flu-like symptoms like fever or chills
- Frequent sweating (especially night sweats)
- Swollen or tender lymph nodes
- Spleen or liver (abdominal pain)
- Easy bruising or bleeding
- Petechiae (Small red spots beneath the skin)
- Bleeding or swollen gums
- Bone or joint pain
NOTE: These symptoms can also come from other, less serious conditions. Seeing your health care provider is the only way to find out what may be causing these symptoms. |
Using Certain Sunscreens May Trade One Risk for Another
Here in Texas, summertime means high temperatures, blue skies, and endless opportunities for fun.
Before heading outdoors to enjoy the weather, it is always a good idea to use sunscreen.
Sunblock and suntan lotion can shield us from ultraviolet rays, preventing skin cancer and other debilitating, chronic illnesses.
However, a set of recently published studies has shown something alarming:
Certain sunscreens, including those manufactured by popular brands like Coppertone, Neutrogena and Banana Boat, may contain the cancer-causing chemical known as benzene. |

What is Benzene?
Benzene is an organic chemical compound classified as a hydrocarbon. At room temperature and in its purest form, benzene appears as a colorless or light-yellow liquid.
While benzene is known to be dangerous, it is found in a great many places: it can be inhaled through second-hand cigarette smoke, detected at waste sites, and observed in the air around gas stations.2
In fact, benzene is one of the 20 most-produced chemicals in the United States.
Benzene is widely used in the oil and gas industries, since it can stabilize petroleum and decrease “knocking,” or the uneven consumption of fuel within motor engines.
Is Benzene harmful?
Yes. Benzene can be extremely harmful to people, even in tiny amounts.
Prolonged exposure to benzene can be very dangerous and even cause cancer.
Although brief exposures to benzene are not likely to cause any significant health problems, prolonged contact with the chemical may be exceptionally dangerous.
People who work with benzene, or use products containing large amounts of benzene on a semi-regular basis, are at elevated risk for acute leukemia and other cancers.
Benzene does not discriminate based on age or profession: even children are at risk from simple but prolonged exposures.
- For example, airborne benzene exposures have been linked to higher incidences of childhood leukemia.3
Regardless of its prevalence, researchers have said that “there is probably no safe level of exposure to benzene”.4 |
Where does benzene exposure occur?
Benzene is a critical component in petroleum. But because of its danger, benzene is not frequently used in consumer products.
Valisure observes that the chemical benzene is sometimes approved for use in drug products.5
But benzene is only permitted in drug products where concentrations are extremely low, and when its presence is countered by a product’s positive effect.6
How can benzene cause cancer?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), benzene hampers body cells’ ability to work correctly.7 Specifically, benzene disrupts the body’s cells from functioning properly.
For example, bone marrow normally produces red blood cells. Benzene exposure can cause bone marrow to produce fewer red blood cells, and may damage the immune system by altering white cell counts.8

The specific effects of benzene on a person’s health can depend on:
- The amount of benzene exposure
- The length of time a person was exposed to benzene
- The way in which a person was exposed to benzene (breathed, consumed, absorbed through the skin)
- The bodily health of the exposed person before exposure
According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, (NIOSH) people can be exposed to benzene through “inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion,” and skin or eye contact.9
- NIOSH recommends that consumers and manufacturers limit contact with benzene to the greatest extent possible.
Symptoms of Leukemia
A number of warning signs may indicate the early development of Leukemia, including:
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Regular infections
- Weight loss or loss of appetite
- Anemia (low iron content in the blood)
- Dizziness
- Lightheadedness
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pain
- Irregular heartbeat
- Cold hands / feet
- Pale / yellowish skin
- Flu-like symptoms like fever or chills
- Frequent sweating (especially night sweats)
- Swollen or tender lymph nodes
- Spleen or liver (abdominal pain)
- Easy bruising or bleeding
- Petechiae (Small red spots beneath the skin)
- Bleeding or swollen gums
- Bone or joint pain
NOTE: These symptoms can also come from other, less serious conditions. Seeing your health care provider is the only way to find out what may be causing these symptoms. |
Diagnosing Leukemia
There are several different medical procedures used to determine if a patient has leukemia. Many healthcare providers will use more than one procedure to be certain:
- Medical History
- Physical Examination
- Blood Tests
- X-rays
- Ultrasound
- CT scan (computerized tomography scan)
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Bone scan
- Bone marrow biopsy

How is Leukemia Treated?
Patients with leukemia receive different treatment plans depending on their:
- Age
- Type of leukemia
- White blood cell count
- Medical history
- Genetics
Treatment of leukemia may involve a number of medical procedures:
The principle treatment for leukemia is chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a drug or combination of drugs that kill the cancer cells. It is administered in either a pill or injected into the bloodstream.
Radiation therapy
Radiation is a type of therapy that employs X-rays or other beams of radiation beams to stop leukemia cells from growing. Patients lie on a platform while a large machine moves around them, focusing radiation on certain areas of the body where cancer cells are present.
Bone marrow transplants
Doctors may infuse bone marrow (also known as stem cells) into a patient’s body to help grow healthy bone marrow. The stem cells may be sourced from a donor, or patients themselves. Bone marrow or stem cell transplant are usually conducted after chemotherapy or radiation treatment.
Immunotherapy (interferon therapy)
Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that engages a patient’s own immune system to attack the cancer cells. Cancer can produce proteins that obscure the cancer cells from the patient’s immune system. Immunotherapy allows the body’s immune system to detect and fight the cancer cells.
Surgical removal of the spleen (surgery-splenectomy)
A splenectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the spleen. Located in the upper left portion of the abdomen, the spleen contains lymph nodes, which filter out old cells from the blood.
Some leukemia patients develop ongoing autoimmune diseases that attack red blood cells. These patients may qualify for a splenectomy, which allows the lymph nodes and liver to properly function. However, removing the spleen may increase a patient’s risk of infection.
If you have symptoms of Leukemia, please contact a healthcare expert to discuss your condition.

The online pharmacy Valisure published an alarming report finding elevated levels of benzene in popular sunscreen products.10
Valisure is an online pharmacy that tests the chemistry of medications before selling them to consumers.
In May, 2021, Valisure tested dozens of popular sunblock and sunscreen products to determine their chemical composition.
After testing an estimated 300 sprays and lotions, Valisure found that 78 contained traces of benzene, a known human carcinogen.11
While trace amounts of benzene may not cause cancer, prolonged exposure to the benzene can cause cancer. This is a potential problem for people who have been using the same sunscreen lotions and sprays summer after summer.
There is not enough information to be certain on how benzene might enter the bloodstream through sunscreen.
However, research has shown that skin-based contact with the chemical can have drastic health consequences:
- One study, published in the late 1980s, suggested that people who are exposed to up to 10 parts per million (ppm) of benzene on a regular, prolonged basis are substantially more likely to develop and die from leukemia than people who are not.12
- A recent report found that repeated skin contact with benzene can increase a person’s risk of leukemia by 42%.13
Valisure’s study on benzene in popular sunscreen brands has reached some alarming findings:
- The federal Food and Drug Administration discourages companies from manufacturing items containing more than 2 ppm (parts per million) of benzene.14
- Valisure’s analysis showed that fourteen different sunscreen and after-sun care products contained anywhere between 2.78 and 6.26 ppm of benzene.15
- Dozens of other brands were less contaminated, but still contained amounts of benzene ranging from less than 0.1 ppm to 1.99 ppm.16
Popular brands of sunscreen found by Valisure to contain elevated levels of benzene include:
Neutrogena | CVS Health | Aveeno |
Coppertone | TopCare Everyday | Max Block |
Walgreens | La Roche-Posay | Equate |
Sun Bum | Up & Up | Fruit of the Earth |
Raw Elements | Banana Boat | EltaMD |
SunBurnt | Goodsense | Live Better |
Ethical Zinc | Babyganics | Solimo |
- Many of the sunscreen brands had some varieties that were found to contain benzene, and other varieties that showed no traces of benzene.
- Valisure’s press release states: “It is important to note that not all sunscreen products contain benzene and that uncontaminated products are available, should continue to be used, and are important for protecting against potentially harmful solar radiation…”
- The Valisure investigation is only one research study. Its results may not apply to all batches of sunscreen, and further examination is needed.
- If you have questions about a particular product, you can consult the Valisure study results here.
However, if you or a loved one used any of the sunscreen brands found by Valisure to contain benzene, you may want to see a healthcare professional for screening.
This is particularly true if you have any symptoms of illnesses related to benzene exposure.
A list of sunscreen products that were not found to contain benzene can be found in the Valisure study, published on their website.
Keeping Sunscreen Safe
Sunscreen is regulated under the FDA’s cosmetics guidelines.
- Some people have been led to believe that benzene is necessary for the production and manufacture of lotions and sprays.
- However, Valisure tested 300 sunscreens—and of those 300, about 272 contained no detectable traces of benzene.
In response to Valisure’s study, health experts have urged the federal Food and Drug Administration to take prompt action and issue recalls of benzene-contaminated sunscreens.
In addition, Valisure and others have called for the FDA to tighten its regulation of benzene contamination in drugs and cosmetic products.
Although the FDA has only just begun its review of Valisure’s data, the company’s founder, David Light, says it is likely the government will order a recall of even more brands:
“This is obviously a prevalent problem for a variety of manufacturers and a variety of brands,” said David Light, founder of Valisure. “The fact that it’s a serious problem is really what we’re trying to underscore”.17
Benzene in Sunscreen May Be Corporate Negligence
The FDA has initiated an investigation into potentially carcinogenic sunscreens.
But unfortunately, government agencies can be slow to respond to new dangers.
Therefore, it may take time for the FDA to reach its conclusions and take necessary action.
Fortunately, some people have already begun taking action.
Earlier this month, a proposed class action lawsuit was filed against Neutrogena and Johnson & Johnson.18
- The complaint observes that, even though benzene is recognized as a dangerous chemical, sunscreen manufacturers did not list it as an active or inactive ingredient in their product information descriptions.

What To Do If You Have Been Exposed to Benzene
Since not every sunscreen contains benzene, dermatologists and other doctors have recommended that people continue using sprays and lotions to protect themselves from ultraviolet rays and premature skin-aging.
However, people who believe they may have been harmed by benzene, or who have developed leukemia or other cancers after prolonged use of benzene-containing sunscreens, should not have to suffer in silence.
“No specific antidote exists for benzene poisoning. The most important thing is for victims to seek medical treatment as soon as possible.” –Center For Disease Control and Prevention.19
Manufacturers and Distributors often must pay for harm caused by their dangerous products.
Under Federal and Texas state civil laws, a person or company is legally responsible for harm they cause if they are acting:
Negligence is the legal term for carelessness. Manufacturers must be cautious and careful enough in researching their product to understand its dangers before putting them on the market.
Reckless means a person understands their behavior is very risky and may hurt others but ignores the risk.
Manufacturers with doubts about their products based on reports from consumers or health providers sometimes still choose to take the risk and rushed to sell them anyway.
Note: There were many different manufacturers and distributors of many sunscreens that may contain benzene.
Each case is different, and if you believe benzene use contributed to your Leukemia, speak to a personal injury lawyer.
People and companies are responsible for actions and behavior they do on purpose.
In the worst cases, some companies actually know of a medication’s danger and hide the information to have the medication approved or marketed.
A person injured by a dangerous product can often recover financial compensation for:
- Medical Bills (including ongoing care)
- Lost Wages
- Anguish and Trauma
Someone who is injured can file a tort lawsuit. If many people have been injured by the same medication, they can combine their lawsuits into a mass tort lawsuit.
Note: There were many different manufacturers and distributors of many sunscreens that may contain benzene.
Each case is different, and if you believe benzene use contributed to your Leukemia, speak to a personal injury lawyer.

A Texas Personal Injury Law Firm That Knows What You’re Up Against
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with leukemia and was exposed to one of the sunscreen brands that may contain benzene, now is the time to seek legal assistance.
You need experienced attorneys on your side.
Justinian & Associates Has Always Helped People Who Were Injured By Dangerous Products.
Justinian & Associates is a Texas personal injury law firm with a long history of fighting against dangerous products like sunscreen containing benzene. We have successfully represented many victims harmed by prescription and over-the-counter medications.
Our prescription-drug law practice is based out of our San Antonio office, and we have a team of dedicated attorneys and paralegals who work every day to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable when their drugs have unintended or undisclosed side effects.
But Winning a Dangerous Product Personal Injury Lawsuit Can be Complex.
Personal injury lawsuits involving dangerous products like drug prescriptions, or chemicals like Agent Orange, Paraquat or benzene are typically more complicated than the average fender-bender.
It can include investigating medical studies, corporate publications and using testimony from experts on how the medication caused an injury.
Showing how a product caused an injury can require legal and scientific expertise which many Texas personal injury attorneys simply do not have.
If you have been diagnosed with Leukemia and were exposed to a sunscreen potentially containing benzene, speak to an Texas personal injury attorney with experience in dangerous products and mass tort law.

In addition, your lawsuit for Leukemia injuries brought on by benzene exposure may be combined with other lawsuits against benzene manufacturers or distributors.
Cases involving dangerous products are often combined into a larger lawsuit like a class-action lawsuit or a mass tort lawsuit.
These cases often involve tens of thousands of injured consumers, and courts may look at all the cases at once. These types of lawsuits are known as mass torts.
All of this is not easily done, particularly when cosmetic manufacturers show up with an army of lawyers.
But battling bullies is what Justinian & Associates does best.
We Are Warriors For The Injured
Justinian & Associates has focused on mass torts involving dangerous products for over a decade. We have successfully represented many victims harmed by large chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Our Texas and San Antonio mass tort lawyers have successfully represented dozens of victims injured by dangerous pharmaceuticals and other hazardous substances. That’s exactly why we were founded.
In fact, attorneys at Justinian & Associates are sometimes assigned by the court to organize and present the law and facts of the case on behalf of thousands of clients in mass tort cases.
We have the knowledge, years of experience, resources and trained investigators to take on large adversaries like billion dollar pharmaceutical companies.
All we do is fight for injured victims.
Our only goal is justice for our clients, whatever that means for them.
And we do not accept defeat.
Unless we get you money for your injuries, you don’t pay us a dime.
The Time to Act is Now
Your rights can be lost if you wait.
There are laws that limit how much time you have to file a lawsuit after being injured. They are known as statutes of limitation. They may apply to your lawsuit to recover for your benzene injuries. The countdown may already have begun.
The statute of limitations (how long you have to file a case) may already be counting down. Don’t let it expire!
Call, text or email us for a free consultation, with no obligation. Speak to an Texas personal injury attorney from Justinian & Associates (not a “screener” or paralegal) to understand your rights.
[1] Overall Evaluations of Carcinogenicity: An Updating of IARC Monographs Volumes 1–42, World Health Organization.
[2] Occupational exposure to carcinogens: Benzene, pesticides, and fibers (Review), Falzone, L et al., Molecular Medicine Reports (2016). DOI: 10.3892/mmr.2016.5791
[3] Advances in Understanding Benzene Health Effects and Susceptibility, Martyn T. Smith, Annual Review of Public Health (2010). DOI: 10.1146/annurev.publhealth.012809.103646
[4] Advances in Understanding Benzene Health Effects and Susceptibility, Martyn T. Smith, Annual Review of Public Health (2010). DOI: 10.1146/annurev.publhealth.012809.103646
[5] Valisure Detects Benzene in Sunscreen, Valisure News (May 25, 2021).
[6] Valisure Detects Benzene in Sunscreen, Valisure News (May 25, 2021).
[7] Facts About Benzene, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2018).
[8] Facts About Benzene, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2018).
[9] Benzene, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (2019).
[10] Valisure Detects Benzene in Sunscreen, Valisure (May 25, 2021) (online pharmacy that tests and analyzes pharmaceuticals and other consumer substances.)
[11] A carcinogen is a chemical that can cause cancer in humans. Carcinogen, National Human Genome Research Institute.
[12] Benzene and leukemia. A review of the literature and a risk assessment, Austin, H., Delzell, E. & Cole, P., American Journal of Epidemiology (1988). DOI: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.aje.a114820
[13] Dermal absorption of benzene: implications for work practices and regulations, Kalnas, J. & Teitelbaum, D.T., The International Journal of Occupational Health (2000). DOI: 10.1179/oeh.2000.6.2.114
[14] Q3C — Tables and List Guidance for Industry, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (June 2017).
[15] Letter from Valisure Re: Valisure Citizen Petition on Benzene in Sunscreen and After-sun Care Products, Division of Dockets Management Food and Drug Administration (May 24, 2021).
[16] Letter from Valisure Re: Valisure Citizen Petition on Benzene in Sunscreen and After-sun Care Products, Division of Dockets Management Food and Drug Administration (May 24, 2021).
[17] Sunscreen recall: Lab urges FDA to recall batches from Neutrogena, Banana Boat and more, Jessica Rendall, Cnet.com (June 8, 2021).
[18] Neutrogena Among First Facing Class Action Lawsuit After Tests Show Sunscreens Contain Carcinogen, Erin Shaak, ClassAction.org (2021).
[19] Facts About Benzene, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2018).