Since babies cannot talk, they use other means to communicate with their parents. Crying, clenching their fists, rubbing their eyes, and lip smacking are just a few of their many signals to tell their caregivers they may need something.
Many babies smack their lips; but when combined with other symptoms, it could indicate autism.
If your baby is a lip smacker, there is usually no cause for concern. It could mean your baby is hungry, sleepy, teething, ready to try solid food, or just having some fun, among other things. However, very rarely, lip smacking can be a sign of something more serious.
One of those things, when it is combined with other behaviors such as poor eye contact or continually repeated behaviors, is autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Lip smacking can also be associated with certain types of seizures or even gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). If you are noticing your baby’s lip smacking in combination with other signs of concern, this is the time to consult your pediatrician.
What is Autism?
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability, and scientists believe there are many causes. It generally appears before the age of three years, and the symptoms and abilities of people with ASD vary widely. While some people with ASD are nonverbal and need continued support throughout their lives, others can live and work quite independently.
Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Some of the most common symptoms of ASD include an inability to connect with people or make eye contact, problems socializing, and repetitive behaviors. One study that took place in 2019 showed that toddlers diagnosed with ASD made fewer gestures (I.e., pointing, waving, imitating) than their peers with typical development.
Other symptoms include:
- Delayed language
- Delayed cognitive or learning skills
- No facial expressions, such as showing they’re happy, sad, surprised, or angry, by nine months
- Unusual reactions to sounds, tastes, smells, or touching objects
- Obsessive interests
Doctors and mental health professionals use behavioral and developmental cues to make an ASD diagnosis. There is no cure. Early diagnosis and treatment are important for addressing an individual’s needs.
Possible causes of ASD
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1 in 44 eight-year-old children have been diagnosed with ASD (2018 data). Boys are four times more likely to receive a diagnosis than girls. It occurs within all socioeconomic, racial, and ethnic groups.
Risk factors for ASD
Certain risk factors may increase the likelihood of having a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Certain risk factors — genetic, biological, and environmental — have been associated with ASD, according to the CDC. Some of those include having certain chromosomal or genetic conditions, having older parents, having a sibling with ASD or experiencing omplications at birth.
Does acetaminophen use during pregnancy contribute to the development of autism?
Research has drawn a connection between prenatal use of acetaminophen (Tylenol® / Paracetamol) and a child’s brain development. 1 2
Raising the alarm on acetaminophen use during pregnancy:
Nature Reviews (2021): A group of “scientists, medical experts and public health professionals” published a “call for precautionary action” demanding that that pregnant women not take acetaminophen (Tylenol® and similar products with acetaminophen as an active ingredient) unless given it by a doctor:
“We recommend that women be counseled prior to or early in pregnancy with the following guidance:
- Pregnant women should forego [acetaminophen] use unless medically indicated.
- Pregnant women should consult with their physician or pharmacist if they are uncertain whether [acetaminophen] use is indicated and before using on a long-term basis.
- Pregnant women should minimize risk by using the lowest effective [acetaminophen] dose for the shortest possible time.3
Many studies have connected prenatal consumption of acetaminophen with fetal development of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Exposure to acetaminophen during gestation “may increase symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder in male children… [and] hyperactivity / impulsivity behaviors for all children.” 4
“Acetaminophen is an active ingredient in “more than 600 medications used to relieve mild to moderate pain and reduce fever.” 5
If your child is diagnosed with a developmental disorder like autism spectrum disorder, doctors, researchers and the CDC generally recommend therapeutic intervention as early as possible.
Heavy metals and autism?

Health studies show that excesses of certain heavy metals may be related to developmental disorders like Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
In addition to risk factors, several scientific reports have linked the ingestion of dangerous levels of some metals to ASD. A 2021 report by the U.S. House of Representatives titled “Baby Foods are Associated with Dangerous Levels of Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium, and Mercury” found that the following baby food brands had elevated levels of metals:
- Nurture (HappyBABY)
- Hain (Earth’s Best Organic)
- Beech-Nut
- Gerber
- Walmart (Parent’s Choice and Parent’s Choice Organic)
- Sprout Organic Foods
- Campbell (Plum Organics)
The report included the following statements: “According to internal company documents and test results obtained by the Subcommittee, commercial baby foods are tainted with significant levels of toxic heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury. Exposure to toxic heavy metals causes permanent decreases in IQ, diminished future economic productivity, and increased risk of future criminal and antisocial behavior in children. Toxic heavy metals endanger infant neurological development and long-term brain function.” See the full report here.
Journal of Toxicology and other health studies on heavy metals and autism
Other scientific reports, such as a study published in the Journal of Toxicology in 2009, have linked the presence of metals in the body to ASD. This report found “multiple significant correlations of severity of autism and the urinary excretion of toxic metals, such that a higher body burden of toxic metals was associated with more severe autistic symptoms.”6 There have also been several consumer groups that have tried to warn about the dangers of metals in baby foods due to environmental factors such as soil, water, and pesticides.
What if my child ate baby foods with high levels of metals?
If your child has been diagnosed with ASD after consuming baby foods — particularly from those companies named in the U.S. House of Representatives Report, you may have cause for a personal injury lawsuit. If you win a lawsuit against a company that produced baby foods with high levels of dangerous metals, you could be compensated for:
- Medical bills and therapy/treatment
- Loss of potential future income
- Pain and suffering
Manufacturing companies may be legally liable if they caused harm through negligence, recklessness, or intention. For example, if baby food manufacturers knew their products contained high levels of metals and failed to warn consumers, or if they didn’t bother to test their products, there may be cause for legal action. Speak with a personal injury attorney to see what your options are.
Treatments for ASD
If your child is diagnosed with ASD, please do not despair. According to the CDC, there are many approaches specialists can take with treatment to ensure the best possible outcome for your child and your family. Each child diagnosed with ASD has unique challenges and symptoms, therefore treatments are highly individualized.
Hope for families navigating autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
They are multifaceted and run the gamut from behavioral and developmental therapies to educational and social/relational approaches. The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) is particularly geared toward children 12-48 months old and uses play, social situations, and natural settings to address all developmental areas in which the child is behind. There is also a book written for parents: An Early Start for your Child with Autism.
The importance of early diagnosis and intervention with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
The thing to remember is that you and your family are not alone in dealing with your child’s ASD diagnosis. Connecting with communities of other parents of ASD children is also helpful. There are no medications to treat ASD specifically, but doctors can prescribe medications to treat some of the symptoms, such as self-harming behaviors, anxiety, or inability to focus. The key is early intervention.
If you need legal advice following an ASD diagnosis, context our experienced team at Justinian C. Lane, Esq. PLLC. We’re here to help!
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises that if your child has symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder, you should contact a healthcare professional to have your child screened for ASD.
- Info about screening for ASD is available on the CDC Website.
- There is no cure for ASD, but there are autism therapies that can greatly help a child’s development.
Taking Tylenol® (Acetaminophen / Paracetamol) while pregnant can affect the child’s brain development. 7 8
“We have sufficient data from multiple populations and studies to say that acetaminophen is not as safe as it is considered.” 9
Prenatal acetaminophen consumption has been connected to:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Language delay (in girls)
- Decreased Intelligence Quotient (IQ).10
We Are Warriors For The Injured
Our only goal is justice for our clients, whatever that means for them.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) attributable to acetaminophen taken during pregnancy, now is the time to seek legal assistance.
You need experienced attorneys on your side.
Our Texas and San Antonio mass tort lawyers have successfully represented dozens of victims injured by dangerous pharmaceuticals and other hazardous substances. That’s exactly why we were founded.
The legal team at Justinian and Associates has years of experience dealing with personal injury cases involving health conditions like ASD, and medications that are far more dangerous than represented by the companies selling them. We have the knowledge, experience, resources and trained investigators to take on large adversaries like billion dollar manufacturing companies.
All we do is fight for injured victims. And we do not accept defeat.
Unless we get you money for your injuries, you don’t pay us a dime.
Call, text or email us for a free consultation, with no obligation.
Speak to a Texas personal injury attorney from Justinian & Associates (not a “screener” or paralegal) to understand your rights.
[1] A Systematic Review of the Link Between Autism Spectrum Disorder and Acetaminophen: A Mystery to Resolve, interpreting data from Parker SE, Collett BR, Werler MM: Maternal acetaminophen use during pregnancy and childhood behavioural problems: Discrepancies between mother- and teacher-reported outcomes. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2020, 34:299-308. 10.1111/ppe.12601).
[2] Paracetamol use during pregnancy—a call for precautionary action, Bauer, A.Z., Swan, S.H., Kriebel, D., Liew, Z., Taylor, H.S., Bornehag, C.G., Andrade, A.M., Olsen, J., Jensen, R.H., Mitchell, R.T. and Skakkebaek, N.E., 2021. Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 17(12), pp.757-766.
[3] Paracetamol use during pregnancy—a call for precautionary action. Bauer, A.Z., Swan, S.H., Kriebel, D., Liew, Z., Taylor, H.S., Bornehag, C.G., Andrade, A.M., Olsen, J., Jensen, R.H., Mitchell, R.T. and Skakkebaek, N.E., 2021. Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 17(12), pp.757-766.
[4] “Acetaminophen use in pregnancy and neurodevelopment: attention function and autism spectrum symptoms.” Avella-Garcia, Claudia B., et al. International journal of epidemiology 45.6 (2016): 1987-1996.
[5] Paracetamol use during pregnancy—a call for precautionary action, Bauer, A.Z., Swan, S.H., Kriebel, D., Liew, Z., Taylor, H.S., Bornehag, C.G., Andrade, A.M., Olsen, J., Jensen, R.H., Mitchell, R.T. and Skakkebaek, N.E., 2021. Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 17(12), pp.757-766.
[6] Adams, J. B., et al. “The severity of autism is associated with toxic metal body burden and red blood cell glutathione levels.” Journal of Toxicology 2009 (2009).
[7] A Systematic Review of the Link Between Autism Spectrum Disorder and Acetaminophen: A Mystery to Resolve, interpreting data from Parker SE, Collett BR, Werler MM: Maternal acetaminophen use during pregnancy and childhood behavioural problems: Discrepancies between mother- and teacher-reported outcomes. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2020, 34:299-308. 10.1111/ppe.12601).
[8] Paracetamol use during pregnancy—a call for precautionary action, Bauer, A.Z., Swan, S.H., Kriebel, D., Liew, Z., Taylor, H.S., Bornehag, C.G., Andrade, A.M., Olsen, J., Jensen, R.H., Mitchell, R.T. and Skakkebaek, N.E., 2021. Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 17(12), pp.757-766.
[9] A Systematic Review of the Link Between Autism Spectrum Disorder and Acetaminophen: A Mystery to Resolve, interpreting data from Parker SE, Collett BR, Werler MM: Maternal acetaminophen use during pregnancy and childhood behavioural problems: Discrepancies between mother- and teacher-reported outcomes. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2020, 34:299-308. 10.1111/ppe.12601).
[10] Paracetamol use during pregnancy—a call for precautionary action, Bauer, A.Z., Swan, S.H., Kriebel, D., Liew, Z., Taylor, H.S., Bornehag, C.G., Andrade, A.M., Olsen, J., Jensen, R.H., Mitchell, R.T. and Skakkebaek, N.E., 2021. Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 17(12), pp.757-766.