Justinian & Associates
is still working during COVID
We are available by PHONE or VIDEO-CONFERENCING, day or night:
(512) 980-0000
We have not slowed down!
All of our Texas personal injury attorneys and staff are hard at work on your cases, and we are available to discuss any concerns or matters relating to your injuries or representation any time of the day.
If you would like to speak face-to-face, we can arrange video conferencing with your home computer or smartphone. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
The Texas Court System Is Partly Closed During Covid But Still Working
The Texas Court System is currently limiting its available services and conducting most of its business remotely, but we will use the courts’ available resources to further your case and we will be fully ready the moment that courts reopen.
More resources about Texas’ response to the COVID epidemic can be found here.
We provide an absolutely free consultation by phone or video conference.
There is no risk or obligation.
Justinian & Associates has over a decade of experience in personal injury cases ranging from simple car accidents to massive class action cases for injuries caused by hazardous products and chemicals. We know that the legal system is often unbalanced, and that getting justice can sometimes feel like an uphill struggle.
Justinian & Associates levels the playing field.
Our roster of well-trained attorneys and staff will listen to all the details of your case and patiently discuss your options in seeking justice. There is no commitment or obligation for simply calling and discussing what happened.
We work on a contingency basis, which means we only get paid if you win.
Please contact us if you would like to tell your story and understand your options under Texas Law.
As American Covid-19 coronavirus cases rise at an alarming rate, fears about its spread have led to Federal and state orders restricting travel into and around the United States.
In response to the COVID outbreak, the Governor of Texas has issued a stay-at-home order for nonessential businesses. The state is asking Texans to severely limit all social gatherings and minimize in-person contact with people who are not in the same household.
The US Department of Homeland Security provides detailed guidance as to what businesses and services can remain open, and the Texas Division of Emergency Management maintains a list of essential businesses under the Governor’s order.
State officials have announced preliminary plans to reopen the state, but in the meantime, Justinian & Associates is open, and we can be reached by phone or video conferencing, any time of day or night.
Covid-19 is a new infection that was first detected by doctors in Wuhan, China, where several hospital patients presented an unrecognized type of pneumonia. Although some researchers speculate it may have spread from an animal to humans, the exact nature of the virus is an emerging unknown.