What happens if I drive without insurance in Texas?

If you are driving without insurance, you could end up in a lot of trouble.

Texas State Auto Insurance Requirements

Texas state law requires drivers to have valid, current minimum liability insurance:

  • $25,000 for property damage.
  • $30,000 per person/$60,000 per accident for personal injury.
  • This insurance covers harm done to others if the insured driver causes an accident.

Drivers are not required to have insurance coverage for themselves or their own cars.

Criminal Penalties in Texas for Driving Without Valid Insurance

First Offense

First time offenders driving without insurance in Texas can be given a citation and penalized up to $1100:

  • $175 – $350 criminal fine
  • $250 annual surcharge on their Driver’s License fees for three years

Multiple offenses

Texas drivers who are repeatedly cited for driving without insurance can receive:

  • $350 – $1000 fine
  • $250 annual surcharge on their Driver’s License fees for three years
  • Revoked Driver’s License
  • Impounded vehicle

Driving With a Revoked Driver’s License in Texas

If you drive with a revoked Driver’s License in Texas, you could be imprisoned.

Reinstating a revoked Driver’s License in Texas is difficult. It involves completing forms and affidavits, paying fines, and appearing at a hearing. You must explain why you drive without insurance on multiple occasions, and why you should now be trusted.

What Happens if you get in an auto accident in Texas without insurance?

Texas requires every driver to have insurance by law. If you drive without insurance in Texas, you can face major consequences if you are involved in an auto accident.

You may have to pay for your injuries and damage to your car or other property. You also may have to pay for injuries and damage to the other driver, passengers and bystanders.