I was hit from behind. Is it true that it’s always the person who hit from behind who is at fault for the accident?

Many times that there is a rear end collision on the road, the rear driver is at fault.

Safe Driving Distance Laws In Texas

Under Texas law, a rear driver must keep enough distance to stop completely if the front car comes to a sudden stop. This is known as the assured clear distance rule.

Stating what a “safe distance” is can depend on the circumstances. The main rule is:

The faster you drive, the greater the distance between the front and rear cars should be.

Texas traffic laws and the Texas Driver Handbook require you to “keep a safe distance between your car and the one in front of you.” The State of Texas advises the following:

Driver / SpeedMinimum Time Between CarsRoad Conditions
30 mph or less2 SecondsGood
More than 30 mph4 secondsGood
Beginning or Inexperienced Drivers4 seconds at any speedGood
  • Drivers should allow more time when road conditions or visibility are poor (wet roads, fog, closed or crowded lanes).
  • For a beginning or less experienced driver, the minimum time between the front and rear cars should always be four (4) seconds.

When a Rear-End Collision Might Be the Front Driver’s Fault

There are some situations in which the front driver is at fault. In these cases, fault is often split between several drivers:

  • A car that suddenly changes lanes and slams its breaks may be at fault.
  • A car that comes to a sudden stop for no reason in traffic may be at fault.

These situations can be difficult to prove. A dashboard camera can provide evidence. But if you have been involved in a rear-end collision in Texas, a Texas personal injury can help advise you to ensure your bills and injuries are fairly compensated.