When there is a car accident in Texas resulting in apparent damage of $1,000 or more, an injury or a death, the drivers are required by law to report it to the police.
The police take statements from witnesses and those involved in the accident, as well other information relevant to understanding what occurred.
Texas Transportation Code §550.062 requires the officer to submit the report to the Texas Department of Transportation within 10 days after the crash. The Texas DOT acts as custodian of the entire state’s accident data.
Because of their confidential nature, peace officer’s crash reports in Texas are not available online for viewing by the general public. They are also not available on the Texas Police Department Incident Report Database.
However, under Texas Transportation Code §550.065 (c)(4) the Texas DOT will issue copies of the report to:
In order to request a peace officer’s crash report for an auto vehicle accident in Texas, you will need a case number. Citizens can call the TexasPolice Department at (512) 974-5499 to see if a report is available.
People requesting a crash report must explain how they were connected to the accident.
There are a few ways to purchase a copy of the crash report:
Main Police Headquarters
715 E 8th Street, Texas, TX 78701
Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 4pm
Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope
$6.00 Fee (cash, check or money order)
Texas Police Department
Report Sales
P.O. Box 689001, Texas, TX 78768
There are also Driver’s Crash Reports (Form C-2) that anyone can complete to report and record the details of a crash when no one was hurt and the damage was less than $1,000. However, as of Sept. 1, 2017, Texas no longer maintains records of C-2 driver’s crash reports. Anyone who completes one should save a copy before submitting it.